Thanksgiving Morning. November 2024
Thanksgiving Morning. November 2024
Indian Summer. October 2024
GLASSY. October 2024
Reverse Sunrise. January 2024
Cotton Candy. January 2024
Mosquito Morning. July 2022
Unicorn. January 2022
A-tomic. January 2022
Alpenglow. May 2021
Last night, I had a feeling that sunrise was going to be good so I charged up my batteries and had my camera ready to go. I set my alarm for 6:45am but I knew it was going to be very hard not to hit the snooze button especially on a cold winter day. When I peeked out my window before dawn, it looked completed overcast and I couldn’t see a slit on the horizon (usually indicates an epic sunrise), so as expected, I fell back asleep. About 10 minutes after seven, I woke up again to a glaring orange glow out my window. The sunrise colors looked very concentrated toward the east. As I sluggishly pulled myself out of bed, I looked out my living room window and saw a double rainbow intensifying. I knew it! What a way to start the day; I can’t think of a better present to wake up to.
Merry Christmas.
I managed to park in the exact same spot as the previous day at Convict Lake. The first rays of light was slowly shining over the hill. What a contrast, I’m used to turning on the computer first thing in the morning, but this time I was treated to a mountain landscape with the golden light illuminating the peak.
One of the things about traveling alone is theres nothing stopping you other than your own mindset. The world is out there waiting. I found what I wanted, dispersed camping spots, and continued to build a sense of familiarity with this area. Just being here made me realize how much of my home state I haven’t explored yet. Surprising, I felt more contentment exploring here than flying 3000 miles to somewhere exotic.
750 miles
5 batteries used
3 hours of sleep
1 wet wetsuit
I belong here.
With only a few hours of bad sleep at a noisy campground, I made it for sunrise at 5:47AM. I could not see much of the sky from my campground. Some clouds can’t be seen in the dark and only appear once light hits it. I had to make the decision whether to sleep in or wake up in 39F air temperature, pack the tent, and drive to a spot. I pulled over on the side of the road to where I thought was a good angle for sunrise. The sky wasn’t completely devoid of clouds so it had some pre-dawn colors. I was joined by a few other photographers and had a nice chat with them, then I booked it backed home.