The Answer Is Clear 🤿


I was visiting a friend from college this week and while we were talking about photography he said, “your photos always seem to have water in it!”. I thought, hmm 🤔 you’re right! 

I think I know why… 

Almost immediately when I immerse yourself into this element, whether by entering the underwater world with scuba gear 🤿, jumping into the surf 🏄🏻‍♂️, standing next to a waterfall, or swimming in a lake, all of my problems seem to vanish. It may be the same as to why I get the most creative thoughts and ideas in the shower. My attachments,  stress, and anxiety, temporarily disappears under the sounds of raging water, crashing waves, or underwater noise. After every surf session I felt renewed and reinvigorated; it was like saltwater therapy. My mind is clear again and my body feels cleansed.

There’s just something about water. The serenity, the calmness, the purity. I began to wonder more about why we have such a spiritual connection with this fluid and dynamic element. Perhaps the main reason for me is because I grew up next to the ocean.

Or perhaps the reason water is a source of inspiration is because we are made up of water. Maybe because it’s essential to life itself. Perhaps it’s the fact that life exists on this planet, and this planet only, because of this fundamental element. 

Society is muddy. Sitting quietly at home didn’t couldn’t clear my mind completely. But the answer is clear. 

Immerse yourself in crystal clear water, preferably with lots of fishies 🐟. And suddenly, all your problems seem to go away temporarily… Even just the thought of swimming in crystal clear water can do wonders. Last resort, find a swimming pool!


February 20, 2020 | Photography & Art