For the first time today, I did not see people. I saw energy. 

I did not see race, height, or gender. All I saw was balls of energy. There was good energy, bad energy, high energy, low energy, no energy. Luckily, there was no evil energy. They were all the same color, but different sizes and frequencies. There was no right energy, or wrong energy. There was no better energy, or worst energy.


I always heard you get what you give. I always heard you are the energy you give off. But not until now… do I see it so clearly. 


You are energy and you give off energy. 

When you’re happy, you make other people feel happy. When you’re sad, you make other people sad. If you give off bad energy, all you will receive is bad energy. If you are positive and good vibes only, you will receive positivity and good vibes only. You look suspicious, or you think someone is suspicious, then they sense that energy, and they reflect that same energy back, and they are suspicious. 

This is why I always bring positive energy everywhere I go.

I want to show up with presence and have everyone release their energy.

My friend tells me all the time, its not the same without you. He’s missing that energy. 

I’m deathly sick. And the energy of everyone around me is down. They feel something is wrong. 🤯 🤯


My mom is extremely high energy. You can hear her from a mile away. 🤣

When we were kids, we only picked up on energy. We were just little balls of energy. And whoever had the same energy to play, we bonded with. Maybe that’s why we want to have kids, because we want our energy back. 🤔

I’m an electrical engineer. I think energy is the transfer of power. Energy is essentially power. Its power to change the world. 🤯 We need energy to live. We need energy to do things. 

Why does sitting in front of a computer all day suck? Because it’s a low energy activity. We need energy to feel good. 

Why do concerts, festivals, and events so much fun? Because they are HIGH ENERGY.

Food is energy. The Earth is energy. The sun is energy. Ocean waves are energy. Wind is energy. Cats are energy. Dogs are energy. Kids are energy. 

What are stars? Balls of energy. What are planets? Balls of energy. What are galaxies? Clusters of balls of energy. What is the universe? An infinite amount of stars, planets, and galaxies. 😳 What does that mean???

We are NOTHING. We are just galactic dust and tiny pockets of energy on a big giant ball of energy in an infinite field of energy. 🤯 🤯 🤯😱😱😱😱😱😱


July 14, 2023 | I’m High Again
Inspired by BE